Archive for January 9th, 2008


A Resolution

January 9, 2008

I pray that God has blessed each of you with the New Year! I had a great time at the lock-in! I didn’t think that I could make it through the night but with God’s Grace, I made it! Many of you are probably reflecting on last year and maybe even considering regrouping some of the resolution’s you didn’t complete or failed to achieve. I have to be honest – I’ve been thinking about it too… But the more I pray about it, I’ve realized resolutions for me have been personal goals that I never acheive. Therefore, I believe I’m only going to make one resolution this year. With all that I have, all I want to do this year is to honor God with my heart, soul and mind. You see the Bible teaches that God honors those who will honor Him!

1Samuel 17:45Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.

Life Application: David came to face Goliath with one intent – Honor God, and God honored David. You see, no matter what your resolution is this year – if it’s to read the Bible, don’t read it because you want to. Read it to give God honor and glory. If you want to lose weight, don’t lose it for you, lose it to glorify God. If it is to become a better witness, church member, employee or husband, wife, and the list can go on… Do it to honor God. God will honor your resolutions, if they are to honor Him!

Prayer:Father, thank you for another year to serve you. Forgive for the past when I made personal goals and resolutions for myself. Help me to honor you this year. In all of my choice makings, whether it be person, ministerial or even in my family life. Let me honor YOU. I pray this in the most beautiful name on Earth, Jesus Christ… Amen.